Thursday, 5 March 2009

Hi, I am trying to animate and at the same time update the blog of my progress, this is not an easy task. So far I had comments about my film from the lectures: Adam C, Charley M, Nick P,  Rick V, Rob V,and Rob W. The comments I had were logical and constructive. However in this latest version of my Animatic I had not yet implemented  the new changes. I hope to do so in my next week’s Animatics. 

Animatics V_11 from dov vishniya on Vimeo.

1 comment:

gerry said...

I enjoyed viewing your animatic screening on thursday and didn't get the opportunity to talk to you. My only reservation of the piece are the musical queues which seem heavy-handed at times, the drama is already in the visuals and adding an overly-dramatic musical queue is a very dated technique, subtle is always better if in doubt. Obviously you were not showing your film with audio levels sorted but think about whether the music detracts from the visuals which is possible at times.